Go Eagles ’67

“V-I-C-Tory, victory, victory that’s our cry!!!!” We didn’t have the gymnastic moves of today’s cheer groups or (thank God) the skimpy uniforms, but, we jumped, yelled and smiled our teams to victory. A quote from Google, “A good cheerleader is not measured by her/his jumps, but by the span of their spirit”. GO TEAM!!!..and practice …

SAVE THE DATE-Sept 16-18, 2022…

…COVID has made 5 yrs seem like 10..so don’t wait until 2027, let’s get together now!..55th Music, Picnic and Fun weekend for the Class of ‘67..Check out the website bchs67alumni.org for all the info and Reg form

Reunion Countdown

99 days ‘til Christmas and 364 days ‘til BCHS Class of ‘67 – 55th reunion picnic weekend adventure Sept 16-18 2022…check out our website bchs67alumni.org for all the info and download registration form. Go to the bottom of any of the BC67 web pages and enter your email to subscribe to receive reunion updates