…when they made Rich. As good a friend as you would ever want. We, the close friends of Rich put our heads together and came up with a few Tuzzisms we fondly remember.
- Rich did his undergrad at St. Lawrence and MBA at Boston University. We disliked him for being so smart.
- Stories to tell like hanging out at his house to taste what Mama Tuzzolo was making; or Rich making fried pizzas too hot for any human to even touch but he downed them at 350 degrees.
- Or, how about adventures on Lake George with family and friends in their rustic cabin;
- the times we all got together in Florida for days in the sun and surfing on Sanibel.
- How many times were we playing football or basketball where we had to put his shoulder back in place.
- One of our all-time favorites was watching the Falcons-Patriots Superbowl with Rich when the Patriots were getting trounced. At halftime, without conceding, Rich told us to” just watch ” and the rest is history based upon a huge Patriots comeback win. Sure, Rich cried when Brady left for Tampa Bay but six SB wins in New England beforehand gave him bragging rights for years to come.
Of greatest importance to him is the Tuzzolo family. Wife Pat, sons Greg and Matt, daughters Ellen and Elizabeth, and daughters-in-law Jesse and Nicole. A finer group of kids you will not find, and Pat is a saint. Wish we could tell the story of the Cranberry Bog here but that is marked Top Secret. If you know Rich Tuzzolo, you are most fortunate!
My earliest memories of Rich were from our little league days, hanging at Magee Park with our dreams of being super stars. We were typical pre-teens totally focused on just having fun and hanging with each other. Rich stands out because he set the standard for being a great guy and a great friend. Proud to be his long time friend.