… retired, live in Frederick, MD known for its historic center city with architecture from the late 1700’s. We purchased a large lot across the street from our home, establishing two butterfly gardens and two vegetable plots. It also serves as a get-away for visitors including daughters, a son-in-law, friends (Pellettiers, Shermans, Simecks, and Ken Dumas to name a few well-known guests) and neighbors, all carrying away vegetables and good cheer. We are deeply involved in city development issues, trying to protect the historic downtown from new construction of contemporary townhouses unlike any other buildings in the district. Asked by city and county officials, I volunteered to co-author a report (mobilizefrederick.org) on actions that both can implement to reduce local greenhouse gas emissions and build resiliency in public and private infrastructure to protect public health, property, and businesses. Using 33 years of state-collected data, we also provided the county a summary of water quality problems in the Monocacy River, a state scenic river with substantial nutrient loads from agriculture and development. I also contributed to two national projects on mitigation techniques to reduce harmful algal blooms. We visit family and BC friends in upstate NY every year with high expectations for laughter, old stories, and a nice Cabernet Sauvignon. We look forward to seeing everyone at the 55th reunion!
Kevin was freaking handsome back then, What happened?