We moved to Friends Lake in 2006. Pontoon boat on the lake and a handy dock for sitting, reading, and happy hour. Frequent visitors include the Tuzzolo’s, O’Connell’s, Sellners, Simecks, and Shermans. While this group tries to get together at least once a year, the pandemic kept us from continuing our tradition in 2021. So, another reason for initiating reunion plans was to bring everyone together in 2022.
Our three kids, the youngest is 41, along with five grandchildren, are in Albuquerque, Windham, and Albany. When still working full-time I traveled often but wisely retired in 2017. Still do some consulting for my previous employer which allegedly keeps the mind sharp (don’t say it Kevin). I am hoping to see 100 classmates register for the reunion. Don’t be surprised if I call to nag you into attending!